Creating in Community

by Erik Peterson

This is a 3-part series exploring the journey of wholeness in our lives as we follow Jesus. In Part 1 (Spiritual Life) we saw how God desires to use every aspect of our lives (mind, body, emotions, relationships, work, art, play, finances) to grow us to become more like Him. In Part 2 (Creative Work) we explored 7 essential pillars to create a lifetime of soul-shaping artistic work: Here in Part 3, we’ll be exploring the dimensions of community. We also are launching a new program, scroll down to learn more!

The Journey of Wholeness: Community

Have you ever been in a season of life where you lacked life-giving community?

Maybe things got busy, you forgot to plan, forgot to reach out to friends, or simply failed to commit to regular rhythms of meeting together. Most likely, you felt disconnected, lonely, maybe even stubborn too about the whole idea of re-engaging. Or maybe, a worldwide pandemic hit and completely threw a wrench in everything?

You’ve also had vibrant beautiful experiences of community, and I bet that is when you felt the most connected, supported, encouraged, purposeful and able to give to others.

As artists, it’s often very easy to go the way of the lone ranger.

We actually enjoy it because it’s part of showing up to our craft. Usually though, we realize that something is not working, and we need others to help us along our journey. If we never engage in community, we lose out. We lose the very thing that we want our art to do - which is to reach and touch the lives of others.

As Grove founder Joey O’Connor mentions in his article on community, “You want the real thing. Real community. Authentic, burden-bearing community where you can share your heart and life with those you love.”

Why we love creating real community at The Grove:

  • We like to connect with each other and with God over our art and shared passions.
  • We like to foster friendships.
  • We like to set inspiring goals.
  • We like to encourage and challenge each other to cultivate our creative gifts to serve God and bless others.
  • We like to launch our creative projects.
  • We like to share our celebrations, wins, and challenges.
  • We like to pray for each other.
  • We like to remind each other what this is all about in the first place.
  • We like to continue growing together, knowing that God’s work in us and our work in God is a never-ending journey.


An Invitation…

Over the last two months, Mandy and I have been in The Grove kitchen experimenting with the ingredients to create a program that delivers on what you are looking for as an artist - real progress for your art fueled by community. We have been speaking with Grove artists to get a sense of what they want, and have been so blessed and blown away by their hearts and desires for their art.

We are incredibly excited to announce our newest Grove offering… 

A 3-month Creative Coaching Journey to help you get the results you want, in your art and life.

Find out more here!
